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Irkutsk Oil Company was awarded the Badge of Environmental Culture

February 18, 2021

OOO “Irkutsk Oil Company” was awarded the Badge of Environmental Culture established in the Irkutsk region.
Иркутская нефтяная компания награждена Знаком экологической культуры

The company’s management and personnel were awarded a letter of appreciation from Igor Kobzev, governor of the Irkutsk region, for systematic implementation of the company’s sustainable development principles and advanced ideas into the program of fostering environmental culture among the region’s population.

The OOO “Irkutsk Oil Company” takes all measures aimed at preserving the favorable environment and sound management of natural resources within its fields and licensed subsoil areas. Environmental policy has been adopted and since 2009 in the Company.

The company has voluntarily made a commitment to comply with international environmental protection requirements, has been certified and annually confirms its compliance with international standards for an integrated management system that combines an environmental management system and an occupational health and safety management system. The company supports scientific institutions and public organizations implementing environmental projects, monitors the state of the environment, engages in educational work, and implements best environmental practices.

The Regional Environmental Culture Badge was established by the “Podari Planete Zhizn (Give Life to Planet)” Charity Foundation, OOO “RT-NEO Irkutsk”, OOO “Regionalnyy Severnyy Operator” and the Youth Charity Fund “Vozrozhdeniye Zemli Siborskoy (Revival of the Siberian Land)” with support from the regional Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

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