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Аnnual reports

Since its establishment in 2008 onwards, JSC INK-Capital has been preparing an annual report, which is also issued in English to ensure equal access for all its shareholders and other stakeholders. Draft annual report is preliminary reviewed by the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors, afterwards the annual report is approved by the General Shareholders Meeting (the supreme management body of JSC INK-Capital).

2022 Annual Report of JSC INK-Capital .pdf 19Mb

The 2022 report became the second Integrated Annual Report of the INK Group, featuring an extended scope of sustainability-related disclosures at this time. The report includes essential information on the Group’s main business areas, explains management approaches, key aspects of sustainable development as well as ESG performance. The Group’s strategy and range of activities, corporate governance system, main business areas in the context of the national development goals of Russia and the UN SDGs until 2030, economic, social and environmental performance over the recent years are all addressed in the document. Disclosures of the material aspects in the 2022 report are based on the international sustainability reporting standards, including the recommendations of The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI Standards) with the dedicated Oil and Gas Sector 2021 guidelines.

2021 Annual Report of JSC INK-Capital .pdf 19Mb

This integrated annual report of JSC INK-Capital for 2021 (hereinafter referred to as Integrated Report) contains information about the Group, the geography of the Group’s operations, and highlights sustainable development issues. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards were applied in preparation for the Integrated Report.