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Integrated Management System

The INK Group is among the leaders in implementing modern approaches to organization management and ensuring compliance of its Integrated Management System (IMS) to the best standards. The compliance status is confirmed annually through audits conducted by an independent certification authority.

The Integrated Management System, implemented in the INK Group in 2013 and encompassing the Environmental Management System (ISO 14001) and Occupational Health and Safety Management System (ISO 45001), has been refined on a continuous basis. Each year, the Group entities undergo IMS audits by the certification authority. The yearly international re-certification is a guarantee of the fact that the Group moves in the right direction and manages its businesses in alignment with the state-of-the-art global standards.

In 2020, the Group management chose LLC INK-TKRS as the test field to apply the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001. In 2021, LLC INK-TKRS became the first subsidiary whose management system was certified as compliant with three international standards – ISO 14001, ISO 45001, and ISO 9001. This is a classic example of how the ISO standards are integrated in the Group’s operations. In 2022, the IMS (in the scope of ISO 14001, ISO 45001, and ISO 9001) was implemented at LLC Ust-Kutsky GPP, the Group’s first entity to deliver commercial products.

The IMS currently covers 11 entities of the INK Group:

  • LLC INK- NefteGasGeologiya
  • LLC INK-Service
  • JSC INK-Zapad
  • LLC ToT
  • JSC INK-Krasnoyarsk
  • LLC INK- StroyNefteGaz
  • LLC Sakhaneft
  • LLC Paiga
  • LLC Ust-Kutsky GPP
All IMS certificates of the Group’s entities are available in the Documents section.
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The INK Group is refining and expanding the integrated management system, having adjusted it to include applicable international standards that set out requirements and provide guidance on building efficient management systems in various areas – such as ISO 9001 Quality management systems, ISO 14001 Environmental management systems, ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety management systems, ISO 31000 Risk management, ISO 26000 Social responsibility, ISO 50001 Energy management systems, ISO 22301 Business continuity management systems, ISO 37301 Compliance management systems, and others.

These efforts will help to streamline and efficiently implement the sustainable development principles using the risk-focused approach. The integrated management system now holds an essential role in projects related to sustainable development.